Wednesday 7 December 2016

Ghost of Lawyers Past

About twenty years ago, I was training to be a lawyer in Birmingham, UK. The offices were two old houses knocked together, so had uneven floors etc. It was a happy office and I enjoyed working there.
I hadn't had any supernatural experiences there, even though I have had many such experiences over the years.

That was until, one Friday evening, I was working late and alone, to finish something that was needed for the following Monday. Obviously I was tired and the old building was creaking a bit. That wasn't a problem, because it always felt homely and I knew the noises were down to the (rather shoddy) way the two buildings had been integrated and the fact that it was settling down for the night.

At about 9pm, I was alerted to the sound of a door upstairs slowly and deliberately shutting. I jumped out of my skin, because I knew I was the only one in the building. I reasoned with myself that someone had just forgotten to close a window and an unevenly hung door had probably just caught a breeze. The trouble was that it was not windy outside and the doors were very old and very heavy. You had to push them to move them. In any case, we were all under strict instructions to close the office doors when we went home to stop the spread of fire, so there should have not been any doors open.

I sat as still as a mouse, straining to hear anything else, like a burglar's footsteps. There were none, but suddenly my scalp started to feel as though it was trying to turn itself inside out with fright and my blood actually ran cold. Instinctively, I thought "Don't radiate fear, it will only pick up on it and come for you". I have no idea why that particular thought came into my head but I was absolutely terrified and I don't scare easily.

Slowly and cautiously, I switched off the computer, picked up my bag and coat and walked as calmly and smoothly as I could to the front door. I could still feel this "thing" waiting and listening upstairs. I managed to switch the burglar alarm on and closed the front door. Then I raced to Snowhill station and went home, still shaking. On Monday, I came in early to finish the work, but didn't dare ask whether anybody else had ever experienced anything like this.

This probably isn't as frightening a story as some, and you could put it down to being alone in an old building late at night. However, in spite of having many supernatural experiences over the years, this remains the most frightening I have ever had.

Ghost In The Tower

Few months ago I visited London, The Tower of London in fact and whilst there undertook a tour of the Bloody Tower. In total there were two rooms for visiting within that section of the Tower, however the first to be visited was that of Sir Walter Raleigh, the chambers where he stayed for a number of years before his execution.
The room was of a fair size, it was midday and the room was among myself full of tourists. HOWEVER, for the short time in the room and taking photos, I felt an overwhelming and increasing pressure and presence around me, in fact coming towards me in the small room. The room was portioned off in to two sections -one for the table and artifacts he used to write, the second for tourists etc to stand, view and take pictures. I attempted to take a few photos however the pressure was so overpowering that I ended up feeling off balance, feeling sick and almost had to lean again the wall of the room to stay stable and on my feet. Thinking no more of the incident I continued the tour and subsequently returned home.

A few days later I was checking the photos taken in the room, two in total, the first shows a dark spot on the desk, however in the second an orb and clearly visible the outline and markings of a face. I can't say for sure that this was the previous prisoner of the room as the Tower had many executions. However, looking closely at the face in the picture I have often wondered whether this was in fact the same face as in the picture hanging over the desk, could this be a visit from Sir Walter?

A Mysterious Night

I lived in a small town in Indonesia. I lived there with my grandparents, my uncle and his wife and their newly born baby boy.

When the baby was 5 months old, he used to cry so hard at night at exactly 12 AM in the middle of the night. Always like that, every night at the exact same time.

So, one day my uncle and his wife decided to switch rooms with me. You see, their bedroom was in the second floor and mine was downstairs right next to the end of the stairs. So at that particular night we switched rooms.

And so it happened that one night my cousin was having a sleepover with me and so I moved to the second floor room with my cousin. At night I just could not sleep, but it was ordinary because I rarely sleep well in new environment. Time passed by but I just could not drift to sleep and then I heard a footstep walking back and forth behind the door. I thought it was my uncle coming to the room to take one of his baby pants or whatever so I waited for him to knock on the door, but he never did. But the sound of the footstep just there behind the door just walking back and forth. I didn't know how long it last but I thought it was between 30-45 minutes until finally I heard loud bang on the door as if someone was mad that the door wouldn't open. I saw the curtain moved a little bit and the doorknob shaking. Feeling so scared and shocked, I hid under my blanket in fear and somehow fell asleep.

In the morning I told the story to my cousin that at the time was sleeping beside me and she said she knew what was happening that night as she actually did not sleep as well. She just laid sideways of me so I thought she was sleeping but she wasn't. And she heard and saw the door and the curtain that moved and shake.

We just ran from the room to downstairs where we found my uncle and his wife who were having a morning tea. So we told him what had happened last night and apparently it happened to him quite many times in the past that it did not surprise him.

But my uncle story I would share another time.

Haunted Park

This is an experience which I would like to share. This incident happened 3 years back, when I used to live in NTPC Kaniha (a township) in Odisha India. My dad is an engineer by profession and he works in a company named NTPC ltd.

The houses were divided in A, B, C & D type quarters for different work ranks. We lived in D type.
This happened in the month of December 2011. I was in 12th standard and our pre-board examinations were going on, so for that I used to go for tuitions but that day I was late, it was almost 10:00 PM. As the next day was my physics exam and I was very late for returning back home.

I had to pass by the park at our township. While passing by the park I saw the swing it was on motion, the merry-go-round was moving and the seesaw was also moving. I stood there for awhile and thought how is that possible because there was no wind and, of course, wind cannot move such heavy rides. Also, it was December and chilling winter night so nobody was there.

I was in terror, I never thought of such things would happen. I was totally frozen out fear and got goosebumps but anyhow, I just ran away from that place. I came home and told everything to my mom. She laughed at me saying that it can be an illusion.

But I wasn't satisfied by my mother's statement so the next day after coming back from the school I thought of investigation and asked to our servant. She said that the park is haunted, the children that died, their spirits lives in that park but never harmed anyone.

From that day onward I never visited that park and whenever I was late I called my dad to pick me. It's almost 3 years I live in Kolkata but still I get nightmares of that park.